Lovely Daze is a journal of artists’ writings and artworks published twice a year in limited editions. Issue 9 takes you on A Walk in the Forest…

publisher/editor/designer ~ charwei tsai
editors ~ kelly carmena, lesley ma, and sabrina shaffer
contributors ~ heman chong, kevin hooyman, aki kondo, takashi kuribayashi,
domingo milella, donna ong, imran qureshi, cristina rodriguez, varunika saraf,
dana schutz, mithu sen, and wu chi-tsung
special thanks ~ angela garcia, veerangana solanki, mami
kataoka, tsering tashi gyalthang
cover & back ~ cristina rodriguez, untitled (CF121.1), 31 x 41cm, chartpack color film, acrylic
paint, magazine transfer, and gold leaf on canvas, 2012;
untitled no. p000.006, 47.6 x 43cm,
chartpack color film, acrylic paint, gold leaf, and mixed media on mylar, 2012
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copyright ~ lovely daze, spring, 2013
printed in my beloved formosa