Charwei Tsai & Tsering Tashi Gyalthang
Songs of Chuchepati Camp
Video with sound & color, 17min03sec
We visited Chuchepati Camp for the earthquake victims in Kathmandu. After spending some time at the camp we decided to record songs sung by the victims from all walks of life, expressing their current state of mind. Some sang traditional Nepali folk songs while others improvised their life stories. The project looks to connect people with one another on a basic human level, and transcend social, economic, cultural and religious difference. Emphasizing common values and the simplest of human desires – to be free from suffering – the project eschews political rhetoric to share and give visibility to the personal experiences of those seeking refuge.
Special thanks to the support of Kesang Tseten, Shyam Karki, Tsering Rhitar, Tsetan Dolkar, and the Sacred Himalaya team at The New School, New York.