Song of the Migrant Workers of Kaoshiung Harbor

Songs of the Migrant Workers of Kaohsiung Harbor – 2018 – Malik

Songs of the Migrant Workers of Kaohsiung Harbor
HD video with color & sound, 16’4”
In collaboration with Tsering Tashi Gyalthang
Commissioned by & Collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,

Along the Kaohsiung harbor where Taiwanese fishing vessels are docked, one will find many migrant workers from various countries. Many of them are young men in their twenties and it may be their first time on land after a year or two working in the middle of the ocean with no contact to the outside world. Until their contract is over, the ships are their only homes and this harbor their only ground. We invited them to share songs from their own homes that were meaningful to them during their long journey in foreign lands and waters. Many expressed the complex feelings of working in Taiwan, including the loneliness of living on the sea and the hardship that they have to endure in their work. This is our third video in the series where we collected songs of people around the world whose voices are often unheard.

Songs of the Migrant Workers of Kaohsiung Harbor – 2018

《高雄港漁工之歌》2018 高畫質有聲彩色錄像 16’4” 



沿著台灣漁船停泊的高雄港而行,可以看到很多從不同國家來 的外籍漁工。他們多半是20 幾歲的年輕小夥子,跟著漁船出海 工作,在汪洋大海上度過與外界失聯的一兩年後,首次回到陸 地上。在合約終止前,他們只能以漁船為家,港口為棲。我們 邀請他們挑首在異地外洋討生活的漫長年月中,對他們有特殊 意義的家鄉歌,與我們分享。移工們透過歌聲傾訴在台灣打拼 的複雜情感,唱出在海上的孤寂和工作上必須受的苦。這是我 們合作收集世界各地常被忽略的人們所唱的歌,製作而成的第 三部錄像作品。 

Songs of the Migrant Workers of Kaohsiung Harbor – 2018