Performance of Circle & Screening of Lanyu: Three Stories at Forum Climat, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2022

Sound for Circle by Davaajargal Tsaschikher
Special thanks to Simona Dvorak, Linus Gratte, Chrlene Dinhut, Eva Daviaud & team, Arco Renz
Photo Courtesy of Centre Pompidou & the artist.
Charwei Tsai’s artistic practice oscillates between the intimate and the universal and the relationship between man and nature. With the performance Circle, the Taiwanese artist draws, with a calligraphic gesture, a circle on a block of ice and lets it melt slowly. The captivating and amplified sound of the melting, raises the invisible mechanisms, while the circle reminds us of the interdependence of natural facts: as the empty form facing the full form, it is at the same time the form of the finitude and the infinitude.

The performance of Circle & Screening of Lanyu: Three Stories is a part of Centre Pompidou’s Forum Climat: quelle culture pour quel futur ? The forum explores the questions of: What if the ecological transition was above all a cultural transition? This is the question at the heart of the Climate Forum: what culture for what future? organized in partnership with Ademe (the French Agency for Ecological Transition).

For three days, the public is invited to reflect on the evolution of society, to imagine a livable world for 2050 and to debate concrete solutions in the company of scientists, artists and activists.