by Kit Hammonds
Published by TKG+, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016
Contemplating the Structure of the World in Swirls and Spirals
by Mami Kataoka
Published in We Came Whirling Out of Nothingness by TKG+, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015
Heman Chong / Charwei Tsai
Singapore / Saigon
17 July 2014
Published in We Came Whirling Out of Nothingness by TKG+, Taipei, Taiwan
Meeting Point
by Melissa Lee
Published in Meeting Point by Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong, 2013
Leanne Sacramone / Charwei Tsai
Paris / Taipei
27 April 2012
Tony Godfrey / Charwei Tsai
Singapore / Taipei
16 July 2010
Published in Dust in the Mirror by Djanogly Art Gallery, University of Notthingham, UK
Tony Brown / Charwei Tsai
Beijing / Taipei
22 August 2009
Published in Charwei Tsai: Water, Earth and Air by Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Sydney
Tina Lai / Charwei Tsai
New York / Paris
28 June 2009
Published in id-talk
Lesley Ma / Charwei Tsai
New York / Paris
5 April 2009
Published in Charwei Tsai: Transcience by Osage Gallery, Hong Kong
Water, Earth, Air
by Suhanya Raffel
Published in Water, Earth, Air by Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Sydney, 2009